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Photo Taken At Xabilities First Event In 2019, We Are Grateful For Our First Supporters!

Welcome to Xabilities

We create environments where you can move, think, and feel without fear of judgment to support our Neurodiverse community in reaching their authentic potential.

About Xabilities

Aotearoa First Neurodiversity Centre, made for and by Neurodivergents. 

Xabilities is a social enterprise and New Zealand's first


neurodiversity center, founded by Tamara Grant.

Xabilities was inspired from the inclusive nature of a cinematic series titled: X-Men. 


Xabilities focuses on empowering neurodiverse individuals to embrace their unique strengths and talents.


Xabilities offers a range of services, including workshops and educational programs, aimed at promoting awareness and understanding of neurodiversity.


These programs are enriched by education from lived experience, drawing on the real-life experiences of neurodiverse individuals.


One of Xabilities' key goals is to create a supportive and inclusive environment where neurodiverse individuals can thrive and contribute to society in their own authentic way. The organization also works with businesses and organizations to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace.


Overall, Xabilities is dedicated to advocating for neurodiversity and providing resources and support for neurodiverse individuals to live fulfilling and successful lives.


Kaumātua (Elders Advisors of Xabilities) 


Sonia Thursby


Stephen Moore


Teresa Moore


Sheryl Connel

Kaimahi (Xabilities Staff) 


Andrew George

Autistic Advocate


Aidan McNeely

Autistic Advocate


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Waimarie Tipene

Maori Advocate


Lavinia Lovo

Pafika & disability Advocate

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Tamara Grant

Autistic, Dyslexic, Mental health Advocate

CEO & Founder

About Xabilities Founder

Ko aotea te waka 

Ko ruapehu te maunga

Ko whanganui te awa 

Ko makaranui te marea 

Ko uenuku te iwi 

Ko tamakuna te hapu 

Ko Tamara Grant ahau

My name is Tamara Grant. I am proudly Maori, autistic, dyslexic, a mother of two in my 20s, and have co-occurring chronic illnesses and mental health disorders.I am proud of my disabilities, as I have lived my life being told that I should not be proud of how I was born and that I am weird, dumb, and need to try harder because I am different.This stigma around "being different" poisoned my life and health. Through countless organisations and therapy, I decided to give up on changing myself to fit into others' moulds and started working on myself in my own diverse ways.Once my eldest son was born, I worried not just for myself but for future generations. In 2017, Xabilities became a resource not just for myself but for others like me living in diversity.Starting my journey with the support of my mother and the Disability Resource Center, I helped launch the first-ever invisible disabilities sector report to NZ parliament while 8 months pregnant with my eldest son. My journey hasn’t stopped there. I have educated over 20,000 people in person about diversity inclusion in public speaking engagements and have over 10,000 followers on social media. Xabilities is now NZ's first Neurodiversity Centre, with a nationwide neurodivergent committee, but the change does not stop there!Check out Xabilities' services to be part of this movement of more inclusive environments so we together can change our lives from living from our capabilities to our possibilities.As inclusion drives diversity, and diversity drives innovation.​

Video Collection of 
mahi (Work)

Our Charitable Partners

Catalytic Foundation, Yes Disability Resource Centre, IleadNZ, Youth In Transition, Phab, Altogether Autism, Island of Misfits, Renaissance Charitable, Toi iho, National council of Women, Pasific Women's Watch, Disabled student association, Storyo.


Companies and Organisation we have collaborated with.

Fujitsu, Chubb Insurance, Dow Chemicals, Watercare, NSW Trustee and Guardian, (OHU MAHI) Workforce Development Council, Buckland Beach Intermediate, NCEI Teachers in Auckland, Bright star Conference 2022, Ilead Conference 2021,2022,2024, Diversity Symposium, Parliamentary Speaker as an advocate for disabilities x5 times, CCS Disability,Youth in Transition, Altogether Autism, Renaissance Charitable, Autism Connect, MUV Talks, Rodney local libraries help, Drake Medox, NZ Human Rights, Auckland Council, MSD Ministry of Social Development, Auckland Transport, Civil Defence Organisation, Are You Okay (NZ), Human Rights Commission, StuffNZ.

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